Weight Loss

2 Basic Skills for Sustainable Weight Loss

We all know about quick weight loss strategies that don't work in the long run.

And we all know that the real test of a good weight loss program is how long it lasts.

So what is the secret ingredient for lasting weight loss?

I would argue that there are two basic skills you'll need to have in place to make your weight loss stick.

Visionary woman entrepreneur

These two skills are:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management

If you are doing a weight loss program and they are not teaching you these two skills, you are missing out.

Why are these two skills so important?

First of all, all positive change comes from self-awareness.

When we work with our clients and they tell us about what they ate we often ask them,

"How were you feeling when you ate that?"


"What was going through your mind when that happened?"

Through this process, our clients learn to pay attention to their thoughts and feelings as they go about their lives.

This process is incredibly empowering and also very enlightening.

No one is more interesting than YOU!

By paying attention to your feelings, thoughts, and actions, and eventually uncovering your underlying beliefs, you can now start to change in a more permanent way.

Being self-aware doesn't mean that you change everything all at once.

But it gives you the ability to start to make incremental changes.

This is when you can start to self-manage.

Healthy self-management can only come if you are self-aware.

Self-management entails having awareness and then being able to pause and change your behavior.

Of course, all good self-management has to be well thought out.

We don't jump from self-awareness to self-management without a good plan.

And that is also where we help our clients.

It is always helpful to have a loving guide to help you notice new things.

And it's important to hash out the plan and see if it's relevant and realistic for you.

It's crucial to take the right action at the right time and in the right order.

For example, if you are not getting high-quality sleep it may be a big waste of time for you to try to use all your willpower to stop the late-night, unhealthy eating.

We don't want you to go wasting your time on activities that are not going to move the dial for you or that are not sustainable.

That's the old way!

You may be skeptical about a new approach because you have tried so many things that have failed.

I completely understand that.

But ask yourself if you have acquired effective self-awareness.

Have you truly uncovered those limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your efforts?

And are you practicing self-management based on self-awareness AND a realistic and relevant plan based on your unique needs?

If not, isn't it time for something new?

If you are interested in losing weight and improving your health in a truly meaningful way, let us help.

It is no longer just about finding some fancy, complicated, or highly restrictive diet plan.

That's the old 1980s model of weight loss and it DOES NOT WORK in the long run!

It's time for something new.

If you are really feeling that old expression, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" then reach out to us.

We will introduce you to a whole new paradigm. That works.

You can start out by using our free assessment tool, which will help you uncover your next best steps.

Or you can set up a complimentary discovery call with Jill Cruz, MS, CNS, to find out how to move your health and weight loss journey ahead in a more lasting way.

Click the link below to book a free call with Jill