7 Days, 40 Plant Foods

Last week I was meeting with our team of nutritionists and we were talking about a challenge we had heard of.

The challenge was to eat 40 DIFFERENT plant WHOLE foods in 7 days.

It's important to note that we are not talking about flours of any kind..it has to be a whole or mostly whole version of the plant. And then repeat that over and over again. Essentially, to make it a habit.

Challenge on!

How would someone go about doing this?

I went shopping that weekend and I started in the produce section. I chose about 25 different vegetables and fruits. And then I bought some nuts, seeds, legumes, quinoa, and wild rice. That brought me to 30! Uh-oh!

I went back to the produce section and got more veggies.

Plant foods

This is the list of foods I bought.

Salad IngredientsOther Plant Foods
pea sproutsonions
red cabbagegarlic
green cabbageasparagus
olivesBrussels sprouts
tomatoescurly kale
cucumberforbidden rice
hearts of palmquinoa
artichoke heartsdaikon
red radishcayenne and other spices
fermented red cabbagecacao
fermented beetscoconut
chick peassunflower seeds
avocadopine nuts
persimmonolive oil
SmoothieVeggie juice
dandelion greenscarrots
chia seedsfennel
cinnamoncollard greens
green tea (matcha)
chaga tea (mushrooms)

I hope this gives you some food for thought about how to get in more and more plant foods into your diet.

I am not saying don't also eat meat, fish, eggs, etc. The more variety you get, the better.

And the plant foods have many, many benefits.

Nutrition foods

I would love to hear what your list looks like. Please share!

This is an example of how we strategically help women to improve their health and naturally lose weight.

The methods we use are based in love and compassion. That is where it all starts. But we also love science and helping you make nutritious choices that are delicious and appealing. This is where the magic happens, when love and science co-mingle.

I invite you to learn more about how we approach healthy, sustainable weight loss. We have an easy way for you to start. We offer a one-time "Level-Up Health" Consultation so you can dip your toe in the water easily.

Click the link below to learn more about that.

What is the best diet for YOU?​

Are you confused about what to eat? Low-carb? Low-calorie? Plant-based??

Jeesh, there is so much conflicting info out there about diets! How are you supposed to know what’s right for YOU?

Start by taking the assessment to find out what diet style is right for you.

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