Weight Loss

Obesity, Hormones, and Anti-Obesity Medications

Dr. Tchang and I discussed the following topics about Obesity, Hormones, and Anti-Obesity Medications:

  • What is obesity?
    • Many people think of obesity as a problem that is caused by someone eating too much and being lazy. The obesity medicine world is working hard to dispel these types of myths. Obesity is not a personality or morality flaw!
  • The obesity epidemic has been fueled by pushing the wrong treatment for obesity
    • Because many doctors do not understand obesity, patients are given the wrong advice and this causes needless suffering.
  • Calories-in, calories-out is missing the point and over-simplified
  • Our brains affect hunger and where our calories go, so it affects our ability to manage our weight
    • That is where the answer to weight gain lies; it's less about just how many calories we eat and more about our brains and hormones!
  • What about "overweight"? Is that a medical condition?
  • Certain populations do have a higher risk of medical complications even with a lower BMI
  • What happens if you are dieting and exercising and still can't lose weight?
  • "What hormones are causing my weight problem?"
  • Obesity medication naysayers
  • The crux of obesity is that it is a neuro-hormonal disease

Watch the video to learn more about Obesity, Hormones, and Anti Obesity Medication

And here is a link to the full-length version of our conversation about Obesity, Hormones, and Anti Obesity Medication.

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