Weight Loss

3 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat

Who doesn't want to burn more fat?

Well, besides this guy.

(Okay, yes, I put him there for eye candy!)

There may be a couple of people for health reasons who just can't burn more fat, but generally speaking, if you are a healthy person, you probably want to burn more fat and lean up.

The thing is, I could sit here and I could give you long and detailed guidance on how to burn fat. And it would take you a long time to get into these habits and all of that, but I don't want to do that today.

What I want to do is just give you three simple approaches to burning fat that you can start doing right away.

#1 Do Fasting Cardio

Stop eating at around 7 or 8 PM at night, and the next day, when you get up and you get acclimated to the day, go out and do some cardiovascular fitness.

You could take a jog, you could take a long walk, you could get on a bike, just get your body moving in a cardio way.

By doing this you will be taking advantage of that overnight fast. Since you haven't eaten since the night before you will be using mostly fat for fuel. So when you go out and you do your cardio exercise, you're burning mostly fat for fuel and you're burning those extra calories through the fat on your body.

And that's a pretty easy and awesome way to burn fat.

#2 Eat Fat-Burning SIRT Foods

The second thing that you can do to burn more fat is to eat SIRT foods.

This is a group of plant based foods rich in polyphenols that actually turn on fat burning in your body.

This is science-backed. I'm not making this up.

Some of these delicious foods include matcha green tea, dark chocolate, coffee, extra virgin olive oil, capers, walnuts, strawberries, red onions, arugula, ginger, turmeric, red grapes, and more.

For more info on SIRT Foods, read here.

And all of these foods are delicious, nutritious, and they really do turn on fat burning in your body. So the more that you eat them, the better your body is going to be at burning fat.

And this is a win win because you get to eat tasty food and burn more fat.

#3 Do High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

And the third thing you can do is do high intensity interval training once or twice a week (not more often than that).

That's where you get your heart rate up almost to your max.

And then you carefully bring it down a little bit below your max and then you go up again.

You go in and out of the highest zone and the second highest zone, back and forth, back and forth. Doing maybe 30 seconds in the highest zone and 30 seconds in the next zone below.

And you do that back and forth for 8, 10 or 12 minutes.

And what happens is through HIIT, you end up burning more fat throughout the day even after you've worked out.

And remember this is not a long workout. It could be 10 or 12 minutes of your day.

Read more about HIIT here.

You turn on fat burning in your body for the rest of the day. And you could do this once or twice a week and get maximal benefit from your exercise.

So those are three simple approaches to burning fat.

  1. Get up in the morning and be physically active while you're fasting.
  2. Eat those fat burning foods called SIRT foods as much as you can.
  3. Do high intensity interval training at least once or twice a week.

And I hope that this makes things a lot easier for you to burn fat and lean up for the summer!

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  • Observe your body properly so you can stop all the dietary confusion
  • Get rid of food cravings
  • Harness habits to your advantage to bring you to your health goals