
Juicing On a Keto Diet: Can It Be Done?

As part of a Keto Diet Detox Challenge I plan to make fresh veggie juice daily.

Being cautious with the carbs is a super important part of this because when you are doing Keto, if you even look at a food that's high in carbs you'll go over your limit (just kidding).

So, I have created a juice that has about 5 grams of net carbs and has some detox and GI support.

fresh veggie juice

1 cup celery = 1.5 grams of net carbs

1 cup parsley = 1.8 grams of net carbs

1/2 cup fennel = 1.8 grams of net carbs

1 slice of ginger = .3 grams of net carbs

splash of fresh lemon juice

Total 5.4 grams of net carbs

Just run those amounts of the veggies through your juicer, add a squeeze of fresh lemon and sip it slowly (don't "down" veggie juice)