Using the 4R Process to Change Your Life: STOP SHAME

I am on a mission to help women be healthy in an empowered, strong, and confident way.

That includes getting angry!

That includes loving yourself unconditionally.

This first video is about the shame so many of us feel about not living up to the unrealistic beauty standards in our society. Let's stop this by first getting angry and then taking personal action to step into a new paradigm.

Check out the video below and please share it with your daughters, mothers, sisters, friends, etc.

I will stop doing fad diets.

I will stop letting my doctor undermine my concerns.

I will start loving myself exactly as I am.

I will recognize that I am worthy, I am enough, I am loved.

I will love, nourish, and care for my body holistically.

I will remember that I am not perfect and embrace that about myself.

I will give myself the love and attention I deserve.

I will stop allowing the outer world to cause me to feel bad about my body.

I will get angry about the way women are undermined at every turn in our health journeys.

And I will do something about it.

The 4R Process allows you to get angry, explore your emotions, figure out what you really want, and take one small, pleasurable act toward that new you.

Again, please share with all the women you love in your life.

We have to change the paradigm!

Jill Cruz, MS, CNS

Perfectly imperfect.

What is the best diet for YOU?​

Are you confused about what to eat? Low-carb? Low-calorie? Plant-based??

Jeesh, there is so much conflicting info out there about diets! How are you supposed to know what’s right for YOU?

Start by taking the assessment to find out what diet style is right for you.

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